Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction


By way of explanation. The American people are awakening from their innocence into what appears to be a nightmare. For too long they have naïvely trusted their leaders and are now learning their so-called leaders were actually traitors to the values and even the nation most Americans hold dear. The following material was produced by The Australian Leagfue of Rights in the 1960s, but is just as relevant today. Therefore we place it on our website for the benefit of our American friends and our regular readers.
(In place of 'communist' we should now read 'socialist' or 'democrat' or 'one-worlder'

The Secret of Communism’s Hideous Strength

In an address to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, Professor of the Classics, University of Illinois, U.S.A., provides a most penetrating observation of a basic aspect of the International Communist conspiracy which is generally overlooked. Originally a brochure printed by the League of Rights Eric D. Butler, contains a portion of Dr. Oliver's address.

"I have spoken on other occasions about the Communists and their methods, and of their appalling success throughout the world and especially in the United States, where they are now actively preparing to take over the entire nation and are, on the most optimistic estimate, more than half of the way to that goal. Let me today try to describe the bacillus and to account, so far as possible, for its virulence. I draw on many sources of information, of course, but I must particularly mention the recent book by Frank Meyer, "The Moulding of Communists."

I suspect that first-rate Communists, like first-rate criminals of other kinds, are born, for the science of genetics gives us no reason to suppose that vicious instincts are not transmitted in the same way as the shape of the lobe of an ear or susceptibility to a disease. But I shall not argue with those who claim that Communists are primarily produced by training, for it is a sad truth that with human character as with life itself, it is easy for man's ingenuity to destroy what he cannot create.

The simplest and most fundamental fact about the International Communist Conspiracy is one of the hardest to grasp. Communists are not human, in the selective and optimistic sense in which we habitually use that word. They neither think nor feel as we do. They do not see the world that we see. To be sure, they dress as we do; they may simulate urbanity and wit; they can misuse our language so adroitly that they seem to mean what they say; but inwardly they are as alien from us as the ghouls of Arabian legend or the Martian monsters imagined by our most extravagant writers of "science fiction."

Communists are not human because they have been subjected to a prolonged and intensive discipline devised to purge them of all the instincts and capacities that we like to regard as characteristic of man - self-respect, independent judgment, conscience, pity, and every form of decency and morality. And the discipline is above all designed to make certain that anyone in whom the human qualities are not totally extinct is eliminated from the Conspiracy.


The Communist Party in the United States - which, as you know, is merely the visible and least dangerous part of the ice-berg - is merely a recruiting agency. It recruits members, yes, but it works much harder to get rid of them. We sometimes permit ourselves to feel encouraged when we hear of a defector from the Party, and we do not realise that one function of the Party is to produce defectors - that is to say, to eliminate from the Party as rapidly as possible unreliable material. The Party regards it as unfortunate, of course, that sometimes this cannot be done before the person has reached a position of importance in the organisation, but it is realistic and it knows that the only way you can test materials is by subjecting them to ever-increasing strains.

Take a specific example, a man whom I know and regard with high respect. Readers of Kenneth Goff's "Communism in America" will recall that, next to his wife's conversion to Christianity, he lists, as an immediate cause of his break with the Party, the effect produced on him in 1939 when he was interrupted in the midst of a public tirade against Hitler by a party functionary who brought news of the pact between Hitler and Stalin. Thus the Party not only lost a very efficient and valuable agent but also sustained very considerable damage through the revelations which he subsequently made before the Dies Committee, and today it is still suffering some damage almost daily, because Mr. Goff is now a very effective speaker against it.

This was a loss, yes, but we must realise that from the standpoint of the Conspiracy it was a loss strictly comparable to the kind of losses that almost every business has to sustain as an inevitable part of the process of making a profit. Here was a man who felt that, on major issues, at least, the truth or falsity of what he was saying in public somehow mattered - a man in whom there remained the human impulse to distinguish between truth and falsity, and who therefore did not really accept the basic Communist premise, which a promising member should grasp without having to be told, that truth is, at any given moment, the boob-bait that the Conspiracy finds it expedient to put before the suckers at that moment. It is whatever will advance the purposes of the Conspiracy, and of that only the remote, unseen headquarters from which orders come can be the judge. A good Communist must be a perfect tool, a thoroughly reliable weapon, which will shoot at any mark at which it is aimed. A man who retains any vestige of humanity is like a rifle with a flawed barrel - not merely useless, but dangerous - and therefore his elimination from the Conspiracy, at whatever momentary cost, really strengthens the Conspiracy and is therefore a net gain.

If you will review the careers of the very few men and women who have ever defected from the Communist Party after attaining positions of any responsibility in it, you will see that all of them simply flunked their examinations at some critical point. Understand that I mean no disrespect to them personally when I say this, for I know some of them well, consider them friends, and respect them highly. But to state the brutal truth, the Conspiracy was glad to be rid of them before it placed any greater reliance on them, for, as Mr. Meyer puts it, in some corner of their being something human had survived the rigorous training they had undergone - a fatal flaw in the weapon. The damage resulting from the defection was trivial compared to the overall gain - the defection was a business loss incidental to the process of forging absolutely reliable weapons.

Whittaker Chambers came to a breaking point and confessed. But from the standpoint of the Conspiracy that loss was a mere trifle in comparison with the fact that Alger Hiss did not confess - Hiss who had been President of the Carnegie Endowment, one of the founders of the World Health Organization, and had held other high positions in the interlocking directorates of Communist control over this nation; who had been the Eminence Rouge of our State Department, and who had supervised, among other things, the great betrayal at Yalta. Had Hiss confessed, that would have been a real blow to the Conspiracy - one that might have set their schedule back by several years - but presumably he had long before passed all the examinations. It is to create such men that the Conspiracy works, and such men is all that it really wants.


Communist discipline is thorough - thorough in ways that seem to us incredible until we understand that its purpose is to extirpate all vestiges of humanity - every human sentiment from self-respect to pity, from intellectual integrity to friendship. As one item in this procedure, the Party deliberately scourges promising members with utterly unreasonable criticism. Let me cite one of the examples given by Mr. Meyer.

A young American woman, who was a university teacher and a practising psychologist, was a member of one of the local Communist cells, and had charge of keeping certain records. In this essentially clerical job she had no subordinate - no one to assist her or to whom she could delegate the work. Remember that point, for it is important.
The Party sent this young woman, who was of a good American family and presumably above suspicion, on a very difficult and hazardous mission to Spain, which she accomplished brilliantly and at the risk of her life. On her return, she undoubtedly expected some word of commendation, if not a full meed of praise, from her superiors in the Party. Instead, she was severely censured because the records in her office had not been kept up-to-date while she was in Spain! and she was forced to appear before a meeting of the cell and make an utterly absurd and irrational confession of error that she had been negligent in not being in two places at the same time. This was part of the training. Persons who cannot endure such outrageous treatment leave the Party. That is what the Party wants.

The operations on the mind, which Mr. Meyer describes in detail but which are too complex to be analyzed at this time, are even more drastic. One effect is to induce a kind of mono-mania in which the Communist sees every thing that he does, thinks, indeed, his every thought, in just one set of terms and uses only one criterion: what serves the Communist Conspiracy. To every question - and we mean literally every question - there is at any moment one correct answer. What is the speed of light? What is the area of North Carolina? Should you divorce your wife? Is "Hamlet" a great play? To every question, the correct answer is the one that will at the moment advance the Communist Conspiracy. If you even imagine that there can be any other answer, you are a flawed tool and must be discarded.

The Party deliberately encourages internal struggles between members and factions and, when these do not suffice, it contrives artificial crises over trivial or absurdly theoretical issues, which, however, seem terribly real to the emotionally involved participants. Sometimes it deliberately tries and expels a member on patently false charges - just to make sure that no one who remains in the Party is so weak as to hesitate to betray his friend or to become the instrument of the most flagrant injustice. That is part of the training.

The training works; it produces in the end absolute and utterly inhuman obedience to orders, whatever they are. And, incidentally, there are no outward indications of rank in the Conspiracy. That, for example, accounts for the fact that members of the Conspiracy who hold high positions in our government or society may be mere menials within the Conspiracy itself. As Mr. Meyer says, "A dramatic spy or policy-subverter in a high government post, a world renowned writer or speaker, or a Communist trade union leader with great public prestige and power, may be little more than an office boy to obscure and unknown men with no formal position in or out of the Communist Party." If it is any consolation to you, you may be sure that some of the most arrogant figures in our public life meekly submit in private to tongue-lashings from their Communist superior such as Uncle Tom would never willingly have endured - not even from his 'Ol' Massa.


But the training works. There have been defections from fairly responsible positions in the Party, yes, but it should be noted that they have been defections from the official Communist Party, which, after all, is merely the training school. There has never been a defection of a Communist whom the Conspiracy placed in a really responsible position in American society: no editor of a newspaper, no member of Congress, no official of the State Department, no officer in the Defence Department, no judge of a court - and we know that the Conspiracy has placed its agents in these and similar positions - has ever confessed. Before the Conspiracy places men in such positions, it makes sure that they have passed all the examinations - that they are no longer human in any way.

And these are the real strength of the Conspiracy, which, as everyone knows, plans to take over the United States, not by war from without or violent revolution from within, but by simply taking over the government of the nation by formally legal means, that is to say, by covert manipulation of the masses. As Mr. Meyer says, "The total loyalty and dependability of the (Communist) cadre has made it possible to manoeuvre with consummate ease. Kaleidoscopic activities on a hundred fronts - many of them seemingly unrelated, some of them even in apparent opposition to one another - are utilised by a leadership conscious of its aims . . . to achieve strategical and tactical ends." That leadership in its remote and mysterious headquarters gives the orders and it alone may know the real significance of a given operation. The really trained Communists - those who hold high positions in our society - carry out those orders with implicit obedience and accuracy.

That is the secret of the Conspiracy's hideous strength and of the appalling success with which it has moved steadily forward towards its goal, the destruction and annexation of the United States by internal subversion. And we shall never be able to combat it until we understand that we are literally dying of a disease caused by a specific germ or bacillus, the secret Communists that have found lodgement and multiply in all the veins and arteries of our national life. And, above all, we cannot afford to indulge in any squeamish sentimentality about the poor little germs: they are not, in any significant sense of the word, human."


by Eric D. Butler, 1962

The big demand for Eric D. Butler's book, The Red Pattern of World Conquest, necessitated the publication of another edition, the fifth. The author has written a short preface to the new edition. Heavily documented, this booklet was acclaimed in Australia as the best of its type yet produced up to that time.

The following are some of the matters dealt with:

• How the Communists worked to produce the Second World War.
• The decisive role of the Roosevelt Government, heavily infiltrated with Communist agents, in helping to start the war in Europe.
• Pearl Harbour was planned in Washington. The booklet should be read if only to study how Roosevelt's advisers, some secret Communists, deliberately provoked Japan to strike in order to bring America into the war.
• How Stalin dominated the war-time conferences with the aid of Roosevelt's advisers.
• The United Nations as a Communist instrument.
• The real significance of the retreat of the Europeans in Africa.


The Great Depression of the thirties was a godsend to the Communists for many reasons. It not only enabled the Communists to recruit an increased number of supporters into their ranks, and shattered the faith of many people in the traditionally free society, but it helped bring Hitler to power in Germany while in the U.S.A. Franklin D. Roosevelt was swept to office in 1933 primarily on a pledge to deal with the Depression. The election of Roosevelt proved to be an event of tremendous historical importance, because it was the policies of Roosevelt and those surrounding him, both before and during the war, which are largely responsible for the present desperate plight of the world.

When John Kennedy won the 1960 American Presidential Elections, Khrushchev congratulated him and expressed the hope that there would be a return to the spirit of the Roosevelt era. Well might Khrushchev express such a wish, because no political leader in the West did more to help the Communist advance than did Roosevelt, a man whose real image has never been shown by those who create "world opinion". It is therefore to other sources that we must turn to gain an understanding of the real character of the man who gave Stalin practically all he demanded.

The real Roosevelt has been most completely revealed in The Roosevelt Myth (Devin-Adair, 1948, 1st edition), by the American writer and historian, John T. Flynn, who shows that Roosevelt was a very different kind of man from the one built up by propaganda. Flynn's study brings out the fact that modern mass propaganda can be used in a so-called democratic society as well as in a totalitarian one to create a completely false picture of a political leader. Roosevelt's whole career was one of broken promises and betrayals. He allowed all members of his family to blatantly commercialise his position. When his early New Deal legislation was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, Roosevelt had no scruples about attempting to subvert the constitution by stacking the Court with political nominees.

The better men surrounding Roosevelt at the start of his Presidency progressively left him as they came to realise his true character. Roosevelt had no basic philosophy, but was a shrewd political manager prepared to accept any proposal which would maintain him in political power. The Communists in the U.S.A. soon realised that Roosevelt was an ideal man for their purposes and they played a prominent role in assisting Roosevelt in his Presidential campaigns. One of Roosevelt's first major actions was to recognise Soviet Russia. All previous American Administrations had refused to grant recognition to the Communists. American recognition came at a critical time for the Communist regime in Russia, which was faced with growing internal problems resulting from the forced collectivisation of farming. It enabled direct American industrial assistance to be given. The manner in which politics are dominated by economics was demonstrated by the support which conservative business interests gave the recognition of Soviet Russia in order that they might solve some of their growing problems by exporting to Russia.

Basic Communist teaching emphasises how the "contradictions" in the capitalist economy inevitably help further the development of Communism.

No sooner had the Soviet leaders obtained Roosevelt's diplomatic recognition than they started to violate the solemn promise they gave not to interfere in America's internal affairs. They already had a small espionage system operating, but now they were able to expand it extensively. The numerous agencies established by the Roosevelt Administration to advance its New Deal program, were soon swarming with Communists, Socialists and other intellectuals who were starry-eyed about Soviet Russia. Many of the Communists were not known as Communists and it was these individuals who, by the time war started in 1939, were in influential positions in all parts of the Government.

After visiting the U.S.A. to study the New Deal in operation, one prominent British Socialist returned to Great Britain and reported that while the British Socialists were talking about Communism, the New Dealers and Communists were practicing it in the U.S.A. Roosevelt was strongly influenced by Mrs. Roosevelt, who in turn was always moving in Communist circles. It is hard to realise that during this period Mrs. Roosevelt had large numbers of known Communists staying at the White House, and that she often entertained Communist groups there. She was often described as the "Red Queen."

The Committee of Un-American Activities has listed no less than 56 Communist-front organisations with which Mrs. Roosevelt has been associated with since 1933. When the Dies Committee in the U.S.A. started investigating Communist activities in the U.S.A. prior to the outbreak of war, Roosevelt sent for Dies and told him to cease his work against Communists. When Dies refused to do so, he was smeared by the Roosevelt Administration all over America.

During the war Roosevelt, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces permitted known Communists to hold Commissions. He was specifically warned by one of his top officials concerning Communist agents in the Administration, but told his official to "take a walk." Right up until the time of his death after the disastrous Yalta Conference of 1945, Roosevelt persisted with his policy of appeasing the Communists on every major issue.

The extent of Communist influence in the third Roosevelt Administration may be judged by one incident alone. In 1942 the Communists were able to extract from the American State Department a pledge that the U.S. would not oppose the Chinese Communists, that it would not support Chiang Kai-shek, the Nationalist leader, in civil war, and that it would work for unity in China. The pledge was given in written form to Earl Browder, general secretary of the Communist Party at that time, by Sumner Welles, Under-Secretary of State. Browder had the pledge published in the Communist Daily Worker of October 16, 1942. Here was American foreign policy being dictated by the Communists and openly announced through the Communist press.

As we proceed with our story, we will note other examples of the Roosevelt Administrations being used to advance Communist policies. Although the peoples of the British Empire have been told by those responsible for the Roosevelt myth, that Roosevelt was a great admirer of the British and brought a reluctant America into the war primarily to help the British, the truth is that Roosevelt was not only a trenchant critic of the British Empire, but right throughout the war exerted pressure to break up the Empire. He attempted to force the British to leave India during the war, and even went so far as to promise the Chinese that he would help get the British out of Hong Kong.

Roosevelt's eldest son, Elliott, in his frank revelations, As He Saw It, quotes many statements by his father concerning his persistent hatred of the British Empire. In private Churchill complained to Roosevelt, "Mr. President, I believe you are trying to do away with the British Empire", while in public he made his famous declaration. "We mean to hold our own. I have not become the King's First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire."

Roosevelt's attitude towards the British Empire was of great importance to the Communists' strategy. As the former Communist, D. Dallin, and other experts on Communism have pointed out, a strong British Empire was a barrier to Communist expansion right around the globe, and Communist strategy has always been primarily concerned with disintegrating the British Empire. There is no doubt that Roosevelt's war-time policy of consistently supporting the Communists against the British stemmed largely from his anti-British Empire attitude. There were, of course, commercial and other interests in the U.S.A. which were also keen to see the unity of the British world broken, an important aspect of the situation which the Communists fully understood.

It is unfortunate that many Americans, because of their history, readily accept Communist propaganda concerning the "evils of European colonialism", and have never considered this question realistically or examined it against the background of basic Communist strategy for conquering the world. Roosevelt's anti-colonial bias was also shared by many of his associates, who demonstrated that they knew little or nothing about either colonialism or Communism. For example Cordell Hull, Roosevelt's Secretary of State, wrote in his Memoirs (p.1151), "We had definite ideas with respect to the future of the British Colonial Empire, on which we differed from the British."

Like the Communists, Roosevelt and many of his associates saw the war not merely as a campaign to destroy Hitler, but as one to obtain other objectives. It is important that we bear this important fact in mind.

In his book, Crusade in Europe (pp. 473-74), Eisenhower also revealed quite clearly that he shared Roosevelt's delusions concerning the alleged similarities between the Russians and the Americans as opposed to the "imperialism" of the British. Eisenhower wrote that "in the past relations of America and Russia there was no cause to regard the future with pessimism". He went on to say that both Russia and America were "free from the stigma of colonial empire building by force. "

The tragedy for Western Civilisation was that while Roosevelt and his associates were insistent that the war must not finish with the "wicked" British and other European "imperialists" regaining control of their colonies and continuing the work of civilising, in some cases, stoneage natives, they were prepared to allow the Communists to take control of Eastern European peoples with a long tradition of culture and civilisation. The terrible results of this preference for Communist imperialism as compared with European colonisation, are now clear for all to see.

Further reading:
"Red Pattern of World Conquest" by Eric D. Butler
"Censored History" by Eric D. Butler
"Understanding the Financial System: Social Credit Rediscovered" by Frances Hutchinson